Sunday afternoon after church (the day after the big party) we went for a hike at the Look-off and a walk at the Dingle. I ate a lot of cake the night before, and two walks were necessary. Jason and I are reminiscing about how I used to bring him to the Look-off to run off some steam. Nothing like jumping from rock to rock to help a four year old regain his equilibrium.

It really was a beautiful day. Jeff really was enjoying the whole jumping from rock to rock thing.

Josh has no idea how cute he is. That is a good thing.

We actually climbed all the way up to the monument. It was really humid that day, and everyone was hot and sticky by the time we got to the top. The view was amazing!

Here's Scott with his two girls. At least Sarah is looking cute. I just look hot, and not the good kind of hot!

Doug and Judy, enjoying the sea breezes.

Josh found a really great rock, which is now sitting on his dresser. He thinks there may be a fossil in it.

Now we're at the Dingle park, which is not the real name of the Dingle park. It's the Sir Sanford Fleming park, or something like that. But everyone just calls it the Dingle. Justin is lurking in a tree.

The Dingle is a great place for a nice long ramble.

Nice shot of where the rich people live. That one big monstrosity of glass and chrome actually looks like a shopping mall to me.

Justin and Josh enjoying a little stream.

Justin and Josh perched on one of the lions. Who hasn't sat on these guys?

A great shot of the provincial flag from the top of the Dingle Tower. It was a really great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Halifax is a great old town.
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