We spent a great day at Clam Harbour Beach with my mum, sister, niece and her little friend. Jason and Justin were all about the sandcastle building. It was also a very chilly day, so you will see people wearing sweaters and jackets in this post. Clam Harbour is a very beautiful beach with fine white sand, perfect for making sandcastles. Actually, they have a very famous sandcastle competition at Clam Harbour every year.

Here's a shot of one of the archways in their castle.

See? I told you it was chilly.

Surveying the progress of the castle.

I like the rounded shapes of the towers.

Jason and Justin had it all mapped out.

Mum and I strolling along the beach.

Group shot of the kids working/playing hard.

Another shot of the kids enjoying the beach.

Mmmm, sandy bbq chips!

Here's a great shot of the beach. It sure is a pretty place.

Look, a jelly fish!!

Let's touch it. Gross!

Josh exploring.

Sarah with her camera ready to go.

The sandcastle is pretty much done by now.

Another great shot of the ocean.

Nanny and Jeff on a ramble.

Jeff really wanted to dig up a clam.

A great view of the castle.

I'm not really sure what's going on in this picture, but it sure is a funny face!

Scott looking all suntanned and windblown. Cool!

Nanny, aka the silver fox. Isn't she pretty?

The architects with their completed project.

The waves were starting to pick up as the tide rolled in. A great place to spend a summer day.
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