August 2, 2010. Natal Day. Also known as family picture day, dun dun dunnnnn.

We all wanted to have a great ocean view in the background, which meant a bit of a hike to a good location.

It takes a few minutes to get a crowd this big under control.

I won't lie, there were tears, there were meltdowns. There were sunglasses. We were all staring directly into the sun so there was serious squinting. But we all said "cheeeeeese" when we were supposed to, and that's all that matters.

Doug Jr. branch of the clan MacIntyre.

Grandma, Grandpa and the grandchildren.

Scott's motley crew.

Doug and Judy, looking gorgeous!

Doug and Judy and their wonderful children.

Another great shot of Doug and Judy and children.

I know, I know, you'd think a woman my age would be more mature.

The Girlz.

The Boyz. (Except Jared, who had to leave early to go to work.)

Kerri, Josh, Ava and Riley. You have no idea the work that went into getting this shot. Gold stars for everyone!!

Another great shot of Doug and Judy. These two can't take a bad picture!

Our Shannon, looking beautiful. (She was wearing a fabulous pair of sandals that day, too.)

Josh trying really hard to be good.

Jeff waiting patiently for the mayhem to be over.

Jason also waiting patiently.

Justin, 2 legit 2 quit.

Sarah lost in thought.

Sarah and Ava.

Justin and Riley, the fast and the furious. You guess which is which.
Awesome shots Jen! Love em!
Thanks! You should see the outtakes!
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