This is a picture of a Cub Scout uniform, Canadian version. I have to sew on some new patches on a new Cub Scout shirt this evening. It's so complicated they have to map it out for us in the front of the manual, and still I have mixed it up, and spent some time this morning ripping badges off the wrong sleeves.

I spent two hours this morning sewing on Cub badges. Why, you ask? Because I procastinated all summer long, knowing that fall was just around the corner, and Investiture happens every fall, and the boys need their newly earned badges sewn on their sashes. So this morning, repenting the fact that I did not sew on the badges every time they brought one or two home, I sewed, poked my fingers, muttered to myself, and sewed some more.

I sewed on two of these, one on each sash. This is the World Conservation Badge

This is the astronomy badge, and they had to be sewn on as well. Sigh. It's all worth it, though, because Josh was beaming when I tossed him his sash after school. I love my boys!
The boys in our Pack looked real good this week. Jeff's sash is getting quite full!
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