As I mentioned in a previous post, the big occasion we planned our NS summer vacation around was the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Scott's parents, Doug and Judy. We love them so much! This is Judy's engagement photo.

And this is Doug's engagement photo!

Judy on her wedding day, can't you feel how happy she is?

The happy couple.

Coming down the steps of the church in Herring Cove. I just love this shot!

Ready for their honeymoon!
Here's their family almost fifty years later. We took this picture shortly before we moved back to Alberta about four years ago. Doug and Judy are an inspiration to their children and their families, and we are so grateful to them for all they have sacrificed for us over the years. Congratulations!!
I love seeing all the pictures you took on your trip! I love the ones of all 5 kids! They are beautiful and look so relaxed in the salty sea air! We miss them and you! I like your cake pictures, those I don't have! You should have all the party shots I took on your computer I think cause I gave them to Scott!
Can't wait to see more pics! Keep it comin' sista!
Thanks, Kerri! I don't think Scott copied all the pictures onto my computer, I'll have to bug him about that when he gets back from BC. I wanted to post some pics showing how pretty everything was. More pics to be posted tomorrow - the family picture day!
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