Sarah's thirteenth birthday party, Saturday August 7th, 2010. Oakfield Park, NS. So glad we made it, because Sarah started off that morning throwing up repeatedly with a wicked case of the stomach flu. She was tearfully begging me not to cancel her party, as she ran to the bathroom. Fortunately, she pulled it together, and we packed up the car with lots of food and drove off to Oakfield Park to meet our whole family for a big picnic lunch. Sarah's such a great sport, you'd never know she was suffering that day.

Typically I make the kids whatever they want for their birthday cake, whether that be cake, cup cakes or even pie on occasion. We were on vacation, however, so off to the bakery we went!

Riley was all about the cake. He's the cool dude in sunglasses.

Here's a shot of Oakfield Park. I went here a lot when I was a kid. I have really fond memories of Oakfield and Laurie Park.

Sarah, the Birthday Princess.

Riley really liked the cake.

Aunt Erin insisted that Sarah's nose be buttered, in that old Hants County tradition, which I then had to explain to all of Scott's family. You butter the birthday girl's nose, it makes her so slippery the devil can't catch her. It's an old gaelic thing. No butter available, hence the chocolate frosting.

Sarah didn't want to waste the frosting.

Riley denied there was any cake on his face.

Then he got back to business.
Sarah opening some of her presents. She really likes this hat she bought in Truro.

Sarah and Grandma enjoying a moment.

Sarah and Auntie Erin.

Sarah and Nanny San.

Joshua stayed in the water so long he was a little blue, and we had to warm him up. He still got back in the water after that, he's a tough kid.

The older kids swimming in the lake.

Riley paddling in the water.

He sure is a cute kid.

Sarah's friend Julia taking a shot.

Hi Julia! Julia and Kristie, Sarah's great friends from Herring Cove, made a special trip out to spend her birthday with her. They sure made it a special day for her! Thanks to everyone who helped us celebrate our girl's special day!
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