I don't know why, but I don't have a lot of pictures from the actual party. (Actually, I do know why, Kerri, Donna and I were crazy busy!) I digress. Here's a picture of the fabulous {FA-BU-LOUS} cake that Doug and Donna got for the big party. Did I mention the cake was fabulous?? It was. It was fabulous. Sometimes I wake up at night and think about the cake. Sigh. This explains my weigh issues. Doug and Donna actually spent a Saturday morning taste testing cakes for the party. Now that's dedication to the cause. Thanks guys! It was delicious! (I didn't feel right about saying fabulous again.)

We took a lot of pictures of Doug and Judy with the cake before we actually let them cut it. In this one we had been trying to get them to share a kiss over the cake, but there was too much background noise and Doug hadn't heard us. Judy had. Right now she is trying to get his attention. She's thinking those things we all think about our dear sweet husbands. Can't you tell? "Dang it, kiss me already, Doug!"

He finally got the message. ("Wuv, twue wuv, that dweam wifin a dweam!" Bonus points for naming the movie.)