Hi everyone, we just received Jason's grad photos so I thought I'd post a few for you all to see! And yes, photos are in the mail to the grandparents for distribution. We didn't choose all the shots I'm showing here, they send a disk along with all the proofs, so I'm posting most of them. Hope you like them!

Holy smokes ... you mean high school?! How is that possible? You ahven't been gone that long have you?
Congrats to you guys!
That's me Ann, by the way
Wow Jen... I am having issues with all this. Chris just got his mission paper pictures done! What happened to the 2 little boys we pushed in strollers through poorly plowed sidewalks. Ah, those were the days lol
I know, it's hard to believe these little boys are grown men now. We sure slogged around Halifax, didn't we? I'm so pleased to hear Chris has put his papers in, that's great news!
Wow, Congrats Jason! You'll always be the little kid that shares my love for Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer! haha. Jen, thanks for posting the pics of the boys...they are very handsome! I'll pass it on to Mom & Dad. Hope you are all doing well! Luv ya
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