The continuing stoooorrryyyy of our vacation to NS in August. This is August 9th, the day we went to Blomidon, in the valley. Blomidon is so pretty, we love to go there. We love everything about it, until I remember that our feet, shoes and other stuff will be stained red. Oh, well, the price you pay, I guess.

Sarah and I saying "Ewwww, gross!" Sludge between the toes is such a squishy gooshy feeling.

Footprint in the mud.

The tide was on its way out, and I'm always surprised by how fast the tide goes in and out at Blomidon.

Six of the MacIntyre seven walking the beach. Jason was the only one bright enough to keep his sandals on.

Josh is following in Jason's big footprints.

Sarah was really sunk in the mud here, and not sure how she felt about it!

Justin walking the cliffs.

Joshua perched on a ledge.

Scott relaxing in the sun.

Jeffrey strolling along the beach. We had a great time at Blomidon, and then headed off to the Look-Off. The valley is a pretty little piece of heaven, that's for sure.